
Dumb Cliff Dive 200ft cliff dive turns fatal, guy lands on his back in the water

Worst cliff dive ever over 200 ft, The jumper must have felt like he hit the concrete.

Mob hit turns into an all out brawl when Russian mobsters burst in a Polish restaurant

Grown Man Whooped with Belt in Public Best World Star Compilation Uncut Fight

Some say when White people get drunk they go to far, watch this grown man get
an a** whooping witha belt in public.


Dirty Pick Pockets Steal Gypsies in Action Exposed Live - They Got Her Purse

Rome and Spain have some of the worst pick-pockets. Let us watch live on film innocent tourist want their money back and Americans get their purse, goods stolen right from their pockets.


Ghetto Russian World star hip hop fights uncut compilation - Parents High on Vodka

Apparently Blacks are not the only ones doing ghetto things online and recording it all world star hip hop goes all the way to Russia. Watch a couple get so high they leave their baby out the window, talk about World Star. Memo to whoever, never beep your horn at a Russian and park in their parking spot you might get beat and drug like Weekend At Bernies lol.

What Happens In Russia For Being Gay Russian World Star Hip Hop Style

Watch these Russian terrorize homosexuals because they don't like gay marriage or gay dating in their land. 3 gay males were attacked in public for no reason nd the Police didn't respond to gay rights movement. The driver grabbed is bat out of the truck for all because he was against gays. Russian cops do nothing for discrimination against gays and gay hate smh.

Russian World star hip hop fights uncut compilation vine Russia’s version of world star

 Version-like world star of hip hop uncut fight compilation in Russia. 100% funny a Russian style of uncut new compilations. Russian drunk on vodka tries to hi-jack the police. Watch the Russian men posing as swat raid homes: cars and Pistol whip an old woman in a wheel-chair with no remorse